Thursday, July 14, 2011


I taught classes today to 7th, 8th and 9th graders.  In the 9th grade, I continued the lesson on the EU, dividing the board between problems and solutions and having the students come up with ideas that could be separated into the two columns.  There are several teachers’ offices, only two of which I have become familiar with.  One is the assistant director’s office where there is always lots of activity, teachers coming and going.  The other is where Eka spends most of her free time, so I have inevitably spent more time there as well.  When they are not connecting to Eka’s wireless USB device or doing paperwork, someone is coming in with plates of food to tide us over or making coffee.  I like this room the best.
On a more mundane note, the hot water in the place I am staying is now working, so there is no need to heat water for an improvised shower anymore.  Also I have learned that there is really no set time for meals.  One eats when one is hungry.  Realizing that, I have quickly learned how to pronounce the things I like, so I can go out and buy something if I am hungry and no one has appeared with a plate of food.  I am also making progress on the math text that I am studying.  I plan to attempt the math certification test when I return home in the fall.

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